I draw when my mind wanders (and it wanders plenty)--in the classroom, in restaurants, and so on. I also draw when I must get someone a birthday card and can't find one on the (grocery) shelf. And I draw to make the people around me smile.

Neuroticomics exists because my last blog had too many words and because its title is so much better than that of the last one.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Much work, or no work at all?

I spent much of last week drawing the following scene ... called Cute Conscience:

And in an effort to draw something that appeared entirely grounded (instead of just scribbling some lines under a character's feet), I ended up drawing this ... and it's an image I loathe. A technical exercise in many ways (perspective, cross-hatching, drawing a receding hairline ... and so on). It's depressing to look at.

Maybe if the bird was a penguin, the whole thing would have been saved.

Then: last night, minutes before falling asleep, I drew this, called Valley Thriller:

Seriously ... I was at this one for less than five minutes. In my journal, no less (the other was on much, much nicer paper). And I like this one better.
I started out trying to draw a more conventional hairstyle. And then it became the girl of the 80s, in a zombie-pose that you see here. Fun stuff.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Slog, the Pugilistic Turtle

Courtesy of dictionary.com:
"slog (slŏg). Verb.
v. intr.
1) To walk or progress with a slow heavy pace; plod.
2) To work diligently for long hours.
v. tr.
1) To make (one's way) with a slow heavy pace against resistance. 2) To strike with heavy blows."
Originally intended to be some kind of mad (or benevolent) scientist picture ... perhaps involving chickens, and this is what I ended up with. A pugilistic turtle (do you think he uses the 'hilly shell' defense? HAHAHA ... *ahem*), whose manager has a wild shock of gray hair and a cane that resembles a rooster, in some fashion.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Tutorial on Gleaning Artwork

1) Keep and use a sketchbook (don't tell me you're not creative. Everyone has this capacity).
2) Select a page and scan it in a large, lossless format. At left, is a page full of stuff I drew while watching Fantagraphics co-founder / co-owner Gary Groth talk about the history of his company. As you can see, I pay attention like nobody else.
3) Crop and clean. Congratulations! You've salvaged fun, if not fantastic artwork from your random musings!
A] See that dog at the right? I call this "Dog Fields a Question as a Press Secretary." Why, he looks as keen and interested in reporters' questions as any we've had. Sure, it's not a polished picture, but the cross-hatching was fun, and dogs + jerry-built platform = cute.
B] And that kid at the left? I call that "Self-portrait Palming a Book." I believe the book is called Chooga. Must be about trains. Or chants. Either way, that kid needs to improve his telekinetic prowess.